Why Guernseys?

The Origin of the Guernsey Cow: A Tale of Heritage, Flavor, and a Beloved Cow Named Elvira

At Winking Cow Creamery, our commitment to providing you with the finest milk starts with the exceptional breed of cows we raise—Guernseys. Guernsey cows have become an integral part of our dairy farm because of their gentle nature, ease of handling, and high-quality A2 milk. But our journey with this extraordinary breed began with one special cow named Elvira.

The Rich History of the Guernsey Cow

The Guernsey cow traces its roots back to the Isle of Guernsey, a small island in the English Channel. The breed was developed over centuries through careful selection, blending the best traits of French cattle brought to the island by monks in the 10th century. These monks aimed to create a hardy, productive cow that could thrive on the island's lush pastures, and their efforts bore fruit in the form of the Guernsey cow.

Renowned for their distinctive reddish-brown and white coats, Guernseys are celebrated not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their outstanding milk. The breed produces rich, golden-colored milk with high butterfat content and a unique, creamy flavor that sets it apart from other types of milk.

#### Our Introduction to Guernseys: Elvira's Story

Our journey with Guernsey cows began with Elvira, a big cow with an even bigger heart. From the moment we brought her to our farm, we knew she was special. Elvira's gentle nature and ease of handling made her an ideal fit for our family-run dairy. She quickly became more than just a cow; she became a beloved member of our farm.

Elvira's contribution to our early days at Winking Cow Creamery was immeasurable. She produced plenty of milk, ensuring that we had a steady supply for our fledgling business. But more than that, she taught us invaluable lessons about dairy farming, cow care, and the unique needs of Guernsey cows. Her patience and temperament made her a joy to work with, and her high-quality A2 milk solidified our decision to focus on this remarkable breed.

#### Why Guernseys?

Guernsey cows stand out for several reasons:

1. **Gentle Nature**: Known for their calm and docile demeanor, Guernseys are easy to handle, making them ideal for small, family-run farms like ours.

2. **High A2 Milk Genetics**: Guernseys have a higher probability of carrying the A2 beta-casein protein, which is believed to be easier to digest for many people.

3. **Flavorful Milk**: The rich, creamy flavor of Guernsey milk, often described as tasting like ice cream, is a testament to the breed's superior genetics and the care we put into our dairy farming practices.

#### Honoring Elvira's Legacy

Elvira's legacy lives on in every bottle of milk we produce. She laid the foundation for what Winking Cow Creamery has become today—a trusted source of high-quality, flavorful milk that our community loves and supports. We are forever grateful for Elvira and the lessons she taught us.

As we continue to grow and expand, we remain committed to honoring the heritage of the Guernsey breed and the exceptional qualities that Elvira exemplified. Our herd of Guernsey cows continues to thrive, producing the same rich, golden milk that first captured our hearts.

At Winking Cow Creamery, we believe that the story behind our milk is just as important as the product itself. The Guernsey cow, with its rich history and superior milk, represents the essence of our commitment to quality, sustainability, and community.

Thank you for being a part of our journey and for choosing Winking Cow Creamery. Here’s to the gentle giants like Elvira, who make our milk truly special.


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